Pin Your Way to a Dreamy Wedding:

How to Use Pinterest for Wedding Planning

Pinterest has revolutionized the wedding planning game. Gone are the days where you'd cut magazine clippings and glue them in a scrapbook! Now, with a few clicks, you can create virtual mood boards of all the wedding inspiration you'll ever need. From the smallest details to the grandest themes, Pinterest has it all.

But are you using it to its full potential?

Here are our top tips on becoming a Pinterest pro when it comes to wedding planning.

Create separate boards for different aspects:

While it may be tempting to have one giant board filled with all your wedding ideas, creating separate boards for different parts of your wedding allows for better organization. Think of it as a filing system for your wedding inspiration. Have a board for decor, another for attire, one for food, and so on. This way, you can quickly find pins when needed, and it's easy to visualize how different elements will come together.

Don't get lost in the sea of pins:

It's easy to fall down the Pinterest rabbit hole, but remember to pin wisely. Be mindful of what you're pinning and don't get too caught up in the vast array of options. Stick to your wedding theme, colors, and aesthetics to keep your boards cohesive. (And if you do happen to come across a cute cat video, save it for later!--also send to me lol.)

Use the search feature effectively:

Pinterest's search function is a powerful tool to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Use keywords and filters to narrow down your search, and don't be afraid to try different search terms. Looking for rustic wedding decor? Type that into the search bar and let Pinterest do the rest. You'll be amazed at how many ideas pop up.

Trust the algorithm:

Pinterest's algorithm is designed to show you content that matches your interests. The more you pin, the better Pinterest gets at suggesting content you'll love. So go ahead, pin away! The more you use Pinterest, the more personalized your feed will become. Just remember to keep your boards organized, so you don't miss out on all the good ideas.

Collaborate with your partner or your vendors:

Don't hesitate to invite your partner or wedding vendors to your boards. This is a great way to share your vision and ideas with them, and get their feedback in real-time. Plus, it's a fun way to collaborate and discover new ideas together. Two heads (and pinning fingers) are better than one! We, here at Lacy Jessica Photography looooovvveee when you send us pins about certain poses that inspire you. Not only does that help us get to know you more; it also helps us vibe with your aesthetic. Are you into edgy raw candid moments or are you into serene romantic pauses of time?

Pinterest is a powerful tool that can help bring your wedding vision to life. But remember, it's a tool for inspiration, not replication. Your wedding should be uniquely yours, not a duplicate of someone else's. Use Pinterest to explore different themes, colors, and ideas, but always keep your personal style at the forefront of your planning. With these tips, you'll be well on your way to creating a dreamy wedding that's truly yours.  

Finally, follow us on Pinterest @lacyjessica and we hope to see you there!

Happy Pinning!