Head Shots are Not Just for Models
I hate my picture being taken. Two children have changed my body into something I don't recognize and I don't like. I hate my smile. I dread having my picture taken for business reasons. I dread having my picture taken generally. ---Me the photographer taking your photo.
Just because I don't like having it done doesn't mean I won't do it. Do I dread it and put it off ? Absolutely. Does it mean you should? Absolutely not!
Here's Why:
Head shots/ Professional portraits are necessary in today's modern business world when you are your business for several reasons:
This is your first IMPRESSION.
You are your BRAND:
You are the face of your business. A great headshot can convey how you style your business. Are you formal or laid back? We can work together to bring out the style that you want to convey to your client's to give them an impression of how you do business.
This is your first IMPRESSION:
Body language is everything. Are you an open and inviting person or are you cold and professional? Depending on the business you own you may need to send a message with body language. You can be powerful, confident, warm, inviting, comforting. It's the message you need to give to your clients about your approach.
"A series of experiments by Princeton psychologists Janine Willis and Alexander Todorov reveal that all it takes is a tenth of a second to form an impression of a stranger from their face, and that longer exposures don’t significantly alter those impressions (although they might boost your confidence in your judgments). Their research is presented in their article “First Impressions,” in the July issue of Psychological Science." - Association for Psychological Science.
You are showing off what your brand is about, giving a great impression and bringing that together gives you professionalism. You want to show you are competent and knowledgeable and ready to work for your client.
When you book with me for your headshots for you and your company, I'm going to take the time to learn everything about what you want your message to convey. I'll be sending you a guide on the psychology of colors and what they mean when you wear them so you can make your clothing choices and if you have any questions along the way; I'll be there to help the whole time.
My ultimate goal is to make you as comfortable as possible to bring out your best self, so I bring my studio to you! Find out more about me and my process by hitting that contact me button and let's connect!